Best In Show: Whitehead’s Ryallcourt Painted Lace
Reserve Best In Show: Kettle’s Lujesa Obrigada
Best Puppy: Bond’s Cassom Fast And Furious at Olibond
Reserve Best Puppy: Warrington’s Zakova Ally Kat
Best Veteran: Lockwood’s Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood
Judge: Bridget Harris (Chalkhill)

Judge’s Critique (pdf file)
Minor Puppy Dog (10,3)
1 Bond’s Cassom Fast and Furious at Olibond
2 Thomas’ Abercrombie of La Vie Magnifique for Claramand
3 Mitchell’s Glowhill Cotton Eyed Joe
4 Kettle’s Lujesa Sky’s The Limit
Minor Puppy Bitch (12, 3)
1 Warrington’s Zakova Ally Kat.
2 Darby’s Lujesa Magic Touch of Classicway
3 Kettle’s Lujesa Rainbow’s End
4 Wyeth’s Fendrove Orange Creme
5 Bequet and Darby’s Dulcie Diodema Dargess
Puppy Any Colour (6, 2)
1 Whiting’s Annilann Miss Sing
2 Hackett’s Lindridge Blue Delft
3 Thomas’s Claramand Crystal Kiss
4 Carey’s Falconers Evensong of Ware
Special Puppy Any Solid Colour (4,1)
1 Thomas’ Claramand Tantatious
2 Darby’s Lujesa Magic Touch of Classicway
3 Warrington’s Zakova Summer Song
Special Puppy Any Particolour (8, 1)
1 Daniels’ Starbourne Orange Blossom
2 Warrington’s Zakova Mr. Moonshine
3 Ray’s Annilann Mister Blue Sky
4 Wyeth’s Fendrove Orange Creme
5 Carpenter’s Totenkopf Causing Mayhem for Ruphill
Special Open Any Solid Colour (3)
1 Black’s Tojamatt Lady Cecil at Cleolivia
2 Pretty’s Kerriglow Fable With Joaldy
3 Gostellow’s Domeva Delphi
Special Open Any Particolour (3)
1 Ray’s Jardinisle Happy Times
2 Mitchell’s Glowhill Miss Saigon
3 Wheatley’s Wilmerella Keep Dancing with Melandroy
Veteran (9)
1 Lockwood’s Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood
2 West’s Sheigra Swing On A Star
3 Gilmour’s Sh Ch Chavez Royal Liaison JW
4 Needham’s Claramand Dancing Diva at Merryhaze Sh CM
5 Fajardo’s Glowhill Young Gun at San Matayo
Junior Any Colour (4, 1)
1 Chater’s Izznbarr Izza Legacy
2 Moutrey’s Sunzo Sonatina
3 Matthew’s Sonham Sapphire Blue
Maiden Any Colour (1)
1 Kavanagh-Bromley’s Cachel Justbecause
Novice Any Colour (2)
1 Nicholas & Carter’s Manacas Paper Doll
2 Cocoran’s Troverothway Hampton
Graduate Any Colour (9,2)
1 Kettle’s Lujesa Obrigada
2 Mathew’s Sonham Blue Diamond
3 Pitt’s Olibond Let Me Be The One
4 Needham’s Merryhaze Marguerita Time
5 Simpson’s Evaroc Dark Diamond
Post Graduate Any Colour (7, 2)
1 West’s Sheigra Stargazer J.W
2 Hillary’s Sheigra Mr Snuggles at Edaisy
3 Cory & Brown Lujesa Heaven Sent
4 Corcoran’s Sheigra Twinkling Star at Troverothway
Special Tryers (6)
1 Worgan’s Lujesa License To Thrill for Luthame
2 Simpson’s Evaremoc Dark Diamond
3 Black’s Tojamatt Lady Cecil at Cleolivia
4 Brough’s Deracor Dire Straits
5 Chaplin’s Claramand Never Look Back
Bred by exhibitor (1, 1) Absent
Not Bred By Exhibitor (6, 1)
1 Taylor’s Kentredecim Savannah For Triveka
2 Cory and Brown’s Lujesa Heaven Sent
3 Simpson’s Evaremoc Dark Diamond
4 Brough’s Deracor Dire Straits
Open Dog (6, 1)
1 Carpenter’s Lynwater Belgium Chocolate JW Sh CM
2 Gilmour’s Chavez Royal Dreamer
3 Rowland’s Perrytree Toffee Crisp
4 Wheatley’s Wilmerella Keep Dancing at Melandroy
5 Carey’s Falconers Democrat of Ware
Open Bitch (5, 1)
1 Whitehead’s Ryallcourt Painted Lace JW BIS
2 West’s Sheigra Shining Star JW
3 Fajardo Glowhill Bella Marie at San Matayo
Special Awards
Judge: Chelsea Herd (Quintavia)

Sonham Blue Diamond JW,
Cassom Fast and Furious at Olibond
Special Puppy Dog or Bitch
1 Bond’s Cassom Fast and Furious at Olibond
2 Whiting’s Annilan Miss Sing
3 Thomas’ Hustonia Britannia of Claramand
4 Warrington’r Zakova Summer Song
5 Darby’s Lujesa Magic Touch of Classicway
Special Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
1 Matthew’s Sonham Blue Diamond JW
2 West’s Sheigra Stargazer JW
3 Mitchell’s Glowhill Miss Saigon
4 Cory and Brown’s Lujesa Heaven Sent
5 Simpson’s Evaroc Dark Diamond
Special Open Dog or Bitch
1 Lockwood’s Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood
2 West’s Lujesa Shining Star
3 Hillary’s Sheigra Mr Snuggles at Edasiy
4 Black’s Tojamatt Lady cecil at Cleolivia
5 Gostelow’s Domneva Delphi