Open Show May 17 2014

Baginton Village Hall

Judge: Mrs Sally Wyatt (Kendalwood)

Special Awards Judge: Miss Lindsey Reed (Reemif)

bis may2014
photo by Michele Lockwood
L-R: Best in Show: Glowhill Miss Saigon
Reserve Best in Show: Lindridge Smart Move
bpis bvis may2014
photo by Michele Lockwood
L-R Best Puppy in Show: Calvdale The Caudatus Dargess
Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Courtmaster Musicman
Best Veteran in Show: Kaniboo Midnight Diamond Sh CM
special awards may2014
photo by Michele Lockwood
L-R Special Puppy: Withiflor Wheels On Fire
Special Post Graduate: Glasfryn Angelina
Special Open: Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood

Minor Puppy Dog (3,1)
1 Telford’s Courtmaster Musicman
2 Marris- Bray’s Helenwood Recognition

Minor Puppy Bitch (5,2)
1 Crowley’s Ashalon Strawberry Blonde
2 Jones’ Gold as Gold
3 Jinks and White’s Lochranza Showing Promise

Puppy (3,1)
1 Ellison’s Withiflor Wheels on Fire
2 Kettle’s Lujesa Obrigada

Solid Puppy (3)
1 Ellison’s Withiflor Rolling Stone
2 Black’s Tojamatt Lady Cecil
3 Jones’ Gold as Gold

Parti-Colour Puppy (7,1)
1 Becquet and Darby’s Calvdale the Caudatus Dargess
2 Telford’s Courtmaster Wizard of Oz
3 Buck’s Clavaire Tickled Ivory
4 Cory and Brown’s Ottigi Thebes
5 Jinks and White’s Jayzander Wish Come True for Edenloch

Open Solid (2,1)
1Rowland’s Perrytree Toffee crisp

Open Parti-Colour (6,1)
1Darby’s Classicway Cover Girl JW
2 Marris- Bray’s Helenwood Could be Magic
3 Gregory’s Glasfryn Angelina JW
4 Wheatley’s Wilmerella Keep Dancing With Melandroy
5 Cunnane’s Winterstale Sea the Stars

Veteran (10,3)
1 Reader’s Kaniboo Midnight Diamond ShCM
2 Lockwood’s Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood
3 Wheatley’s Wilmerella Wave Dancer at Melandroy
4 Pitt’s Trimtops Captain Timmy
5 Varnam’s Pontisbright Brettford Lad at Shanaudvarn

Junior (10,3)
1 Hackett’s Lindridge Smart Move
2 Buck’s Clavaire la Traviata
3 Taylor’s Kentredecim Savannah for Triveka
4 Moutrey’s Sunzo Songbird
5 Lewis’ Penmartan Secret’s Out

Maiden (5, 7 total)
1 Pitt’s Olibond let Me Be The One
2 West’s Micaradee So Special for Sheigra
3 Trosper’s Penmartan keep a Secret
4 Farebrother’s Claramand Black Angel at Lilyvale
5 Black’s Lady Cecil

Novice (5,2, 7total)
1 Mole’s Shirlannor Moley Rolley
2 Lockwood’s Lujesa Sofia to Chimewood
3 Pitt’s Olibond let Me Be The One
4 West’s Micaradee So Special for Sheigra
5 Heiht’s Harbethol Spring Quest at Fourtails

Graduate (7, 9total)
1 Mitchell’s Glowhill Miss saigon
2 West’s Sheigra Stargazer JW
3 Jarman’s Acauelin Double Fara Flare
4 Lewis’ Penmartan Angelina
5 Buck’s Clavaire La Traviata

Post Graduate (5,2)
1 Corcorran’s Sheigra Twinkling Star at Troverothway
2 Marris-Bray’s Helenwood Integrity
3 Mole’s Shirlannor Keyhole Kate

Special Tryers  (1 new 10 total)
1 Pitt’s Olibond Let Me Be The One
2 Buck’s Clavaire la Traviata
3 Reader’s Kaniboo Midnight Diamond ShCM
4 Brough’s Deracor Dire staits

Bred by Exhibitor (1 new 5 total)
1 West’s Sheigra Shining Star
2 Mole’s Shirlannor Moley Rolley
3 Buck’s Clavaire La Traviata
4 Height’s Fourtails Fenland Dawn

Not Bred By Exhibitor (2 new, 5 total)
1 Marris-Bray’s Weirdene Wake Up at Helenwood JW
2 Gregory’s Olibond As Time Goes by At Glasfryn JW
3 Pitt’s Olibond Let Me Be The One
4 Brough’s Deracor Dire Straits
5 Height’s Harbethol Spring Quest at Fourtails

Open Dog (1 new, 2 total)
1 Marris-Bray’s Helenwood Black Ice
2 Brough’s Deracor Dire Straits

Open Bitch (2)
1 Darby’s Classicway Chorus Girl
2 Varnam’s Shanaudvarn Lady Winnie

Special Awards Puppy (8,1)
1 Ellison’s Withiflor Wheels on Fire
2 Kettle’s Lujesa Obrigada
3 Crowley’s Ashalon Strawberry Blonde
4 Telford’s Courtmaster Musicman
5 Telford’s  Courtmaster Wizard of Oz

Special Awards Post Graduate (6,3)
1 Gregory’s Glasfryn Angelina JW
2 West’s Sheigra Stargazer
3 Height’s Harbethol Sring Quest at Fourtails

Special Awards Open (3)
1 Lockwood’s Lujesa Casellina at Chimewood
2 West’s Sheigra Shining Star JW
3 Corcorran’s Sheigra Twinkling Star at Troverothway

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